Recycling Issues...
Below are our articles on the subject of Recycling Issues. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Anaerobic Digestion: Alternative to Composting
Anaerobic digestion offers an alternative means to deal with green waste and with energy production as its major selling point, this less familiar approach certainly…...
Are Edible Wrappers the Future of Food Packaging?
New kinds of edible wrappings could change the way some foods are packaged forever; light in weight, fully biodegradable and able to enhance foodstuffs, their future…...
Campaign to Reduce Plastic Carrier Bags
A campaign involving supermarkets has led to a welcome reduction in the number of plastic carrier bags being issued in the UK...
Choose Your Christmas Tree Carefully
Give our planet a Christmas gift this year by choosing the most environmentally-friendly tree....
Composting Almost Everything
This article looks at methods of composting food and other materials....
Cutting 'Recycling Miles'
We all know about food miles, but it's not only what we eat that sometimes travels long distances around the world. It's time to think about cutting recycling miles too....
Energy from Waste
The idea of generating energy from waste has an obvious appeal and with a number of different technologies available, it’s not just about incineration....
Facts and Trivia About Waste
Waste is a surprisingly fascinating topic, so here are one or two quick facts that you might find interesting along with a few funnies to raise a smile...
Green Funerals : Recycling Our Remains
The environmental problems associated with standard funerals, and the benefits of a greener burial....
How to Shop Sustainably
These days, we are all constantly reminded about the importance of recycling - but if you shop sustainably in the first place, you’ll be doing the planet an even…...
Microbes: Forgotten Recycling Helpers
How some of the oldest - and often forgotten - forms of life on the planet play an essential role in helping us recycle our waste....
Reducing Your Food Waste
Some tips on how to reduce domestic food waste....
Storing Recycled Waste at MOD bases
The current situation whereby recyclable material will be stored at MOD bases in the UK....
The Benefits of Compost
While many of the benefits of compost are universally known, there's definitely far more to this familiar material than meets the eye!...
The Thermal Recycling Controversy
Is thermal recycling the salvation to our problems of difficult waste and expensive energy, or is it just incineration by another name?...
What to Do With Your Unwanted Plastic Carrier Bags?
Plastic carrier bags are bad news for the environment but if you have them around the house, make the most of them by re-using for a variety of tasks instead of just…...
What's in the Average Home's Waste?
Understanding the materials that make up the average home's waste is an essential part of ensuring that recycling can keep up with the changing times....